/* v 3.17 author http://codecanyon.net/user/creativeinteractivemedia/portfolio?ref=creativeinteractivemedia */ var FLIPBOOK = FLIPBOOK || {}; !function (y, M, L, a) { y.fn.flipBook = function (e) { return new FLIPBOOK.Main(e, this) }, y.fn.swipeBook = function (e) { return e.viewMode = "swipe", new FLIPBOOK.Main(e, this) }, y.fn.flipBook.options = { name: "", pages: [], tableOfContent: [], tableOfContentCloseOnClick: !0, thumbsCloseOnClick: !0, deeplinkingEnabled: !1, deeplinkingPrefix: "", assets: { preloader: "images/preloader.jpg", overlay: "images/overlay.png", flipMp3: "mp3/turnPage.mp3", spinner: "images/spinner.gif" }, pdfUrl: null, pdfBrowserViewerIfMobile: !1, pdfBrowserViewerIfIE: !1, pdfBrowserViewerFullscreen: !0, pdfBrowserViewerFullscreenTarget: "_blank", pdfPageScale: 1, pdfOutline: !0, rangeChunkSize: 64, htmlLayer: !0, rightToLeft: !1, startPage: 0, sound: !0, backgroundColor: "rgb(81, 85, 88)", backgroundImage: "", backgroundPattern: "", backgroundTransparent: !1, 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(S.btnClose.enabled = !0, this.lightbox = new FLIPBOOK.Lightbox(this, this.wrapper, S), this.lightboxStartedTimes = 0, this.wrapper.css("background", "none"), this.bookLayer.css("background", "none"), this.book.css("background", "none"), this.preloader.appendTo(this.$body).css("position", "fixed"), this.$elem.css("cursor", "pointer").bind("tap click", function (e) { n.lightboxStartPage = y(this).attr("data-page"), n.started ? (n.lightboxStart(), S.lightBoxFullscreen && setTimeout(function () { n.toggleExpand() }, 0)) : (O(), S.lightBoxFullscreen && setTimeout(function () { n.toggleExpand() }, 100)) }), S.lightBoxOpened ? (O(), y(M).trigger("r3d-lightboxloadingstarted")) : S.lightboxPreload && ("undefined" != typeof IScroll || FLIPBOOK.scriptsAdded[FLIPBOOK.iscrollSrc] || n.loadScript(FLIPBOOK.iscrollSrc, function () { }), void 0 !== FLIPBOOK.PdfService || FLIPBOOK.scriptsAdded[FLIPBOOK.pdfServiceSrc] || n.loadScript(FLIPBOOK.pdfServiceSrc, function () { }), S.pdfMode && ("undefined" != typeof pdfjsLib || FLIPBOOK.scriptsAdded[FLIPBOOK.pdfjsSrc] || n.loadScript(FLIPBOOK.pdfjsSrc, function () { }), void 0 !== FLIPBOOK.PdfService || FLIPBOOK.scriptsAdded[FLIPBOOK.pdfServiceSrc] || n.loadScript(FLIPBOOK.pdfServiceSrc, function () { }), S.btnSearch.enabled && (FLIPBOOK.scriptsAdded[FLIPBOOK.markSrc] || n.loadScript(FLIPBOOK.markSrc, function () { }))), "webgl" == S.viewMode && ("undefined" != typeof THREE || FLIPBOOK.scriptsAdded[FLIPBOOK.threejsSrc] || n.loadScript(FLIPBOOK.threejsSrc, function () { }))), this.fullscreenElement = L.documentElement) : (S.btnClose.enabled = !1, this.preloader.appendTo(this.wrapper), this.wrapper.appendTo(this.$elem), this.fullscreenElement = this.$elem[0], O())) }, FLIPBOOK.Main.prototype = { start: function () { this.options.dp && (this.options.doublePage = !0), this.started || (this.model.pageW = this.options.pageWidth, this.model.bookW = 2 * this.options.pageWidth, this.options.singlePageMode && (this.model.bookW /= 2), this.model.pageH = this.options.pageHeight, this.model.bookH = this.options.pageHeight, this.options.numPages % 2 == 0 ? this.options.numSheets = (this.options.numPages + 2) / 2 : this.options.numSheets = (this.options.numPages + 1) / 2, this.started = !0, this.options.lightBox && (this.lightbox.openLightbox(), this.lightboxStart()), this.createBook(), this.updateSkinColors()) }, updateSkinColors: function () { var e = this.options; e.skinColor && this.wrapper.find(".skin-color").css("color", e.skinColor), e.skinBackground && this.wrapper.find(".skin-color-bg").css("background", e.skinBackground) }, lightboxStart: function () { var e = this; this.started || this.start(), void 0 !== this.Book ? 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(t.pdfinitStarted = !1, t.options.password = !0, t.initPdf()) : alert(e) })) } }, loadPageHTML: function (i, n) { var s = this, i = i, a = this.options; this.options.pdfMode ? this.pdfService.loadTextLayer(i, function (e) { n.call(s, s.options.pages[i].htmlContent, i) }) : a.pages[i].json ? this.loadPageJSON(i, function (e) { var t, o = a.pages[i] || {}; o.htmlContentInitialized || ((t = L.createElement("div")).classList.add("flipbook-page-htmlContent"), t.classList.add("page" + String(i)), t.innerHTML = decodeURIComponent(e.data), o.htmlContent && y(t).append(y(o.htmlContent)), o.htmlContent = t, y(o.htmlContent).find(".internalLink").each(function () { var t = s; this.onclick = function () { var e = Number(this.dataset.page), e = t.options.rightToLeft ? t.options.pages.length - e + 1 : e; return t.goToPage(e), !1 } }), o.htmlContentInitialized = !0), n.call(s, o.htmlContent, i) }) : n.call(this, a.pages[i].htmlContent, i) }, loadPageJSON: function (e, t) { var o = this.options.pages[e] || {}, i = this; if (!o.jsonLoading && !o.jsonLoaded) return o.jsonLoading = !0, void y.getJSON(o.json, function (e) { o.jsonLoaded = !0, o.jsonLoading = !1, t.call(i, e) }); o.jsonLoaded ? t.call(i) : setTimeout(function () { i.loadPageJSON(e, t) }, 100) }, loadPage: function (e, t, o) { var i, n = this, s = this.options.pages && this.options.pages[e] && this.options.pages[e].src; this.options.pdfMode && !s ? this.loadPageFromPdf(e, t, o) : (i = (n = this).options.pages[e]).img ? i.imgLoaded ? n.pageLoaded({ index: e, size: t, image: i.img }, o) : setTimeout(function () { n.loadPage(e, t, o) }, 300) : (i.img = L.createElement("img"), i.img.setAttribute("data-id", e), i.img.onload = function () { i.imgLoaded = !0, n.pageLoaded({ index: e, size: t, image: i.img }, o) }, "webgl" == this.options.viewMode && (i.img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"), "https:" == location.protocol ? i.src = i.src.replace("http://", "https://") : "http:" == location.protocol && (i.src = i.src.replace("https://", "http://")), i.img.src = i.src) }, pageLoaded: function (e, t) { t.call(this, e, t), this.options.loadAllPages && e.index < this.options.numPages - 1 && this.loadPage(e.index + 1, e.size, function () { }), this.searchingString && this.mark(this.searchingString, !0) }, loadPageFromPdf: function (e, t, o) { t = t || this.options.pageTextureSize, this.options.pages[e] ? this.pdfService.renderBookPage(e, t, o) : o.call(this) }, getString: function (e) { return this.options.strings[e] }, mark: function (o, e) { o == this.markedStr && !e || (this.markedStr = o, this.options.pages.forEach(function (e) { var t = y(e.htmlContent).find(".flipbook-textLayer"); e.marked != o && t.length && (e.marked = o, t.unmark({ done: function () { t.mark(o, { acrossElements: !0, separateWordSearch: !1 }) } })) })) }, unmark: function () { this.searchingString = null, this.markedStr = null, this.options.pages.forEach(function (e) { e.marked && (e.marked = null, y(e.htmlContent).unmark()) }) }, setTool: function (e) { this.tool = e, this.model.trigger(e) }, toggleTool: function () { var e = "toolSelect" == this.tool ? "toolMove" : "toolSelect"; this.setTool(e) }, toggleSound: function () { var e = this.options; e.sound = !e.sound, this.toggleIcon(this.btnSound, e.sound) }, toggleIcon: function (e, t) { var o = e.icon, i = e.iconAlt; t ? 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((e = n.options).scroll = n.scroll, (e.parent = n).Book = new FLIPBOOK.BookWebGL(n.book[0], t, e), n.webglMode = !0, n.initSwipe(), d()) : "swipe" == n.options.viewMode ? (n.Book = new FLIPBOOK.BookSwipe(n.book[0], n.bookLayer[0], t, o), n.initSwipe()) : ("2d" != n.options.viewMode && (n.options.viewMode = "3d"), n.Book = new FLIPBOOK.Book3(n.book[0], t, o), n.initSwipe(), n.webglMode = !1, d()), this.resize(), n.Book.enable(), n.book.hide().fadeIn("slow"), this.tocCreated = !1, this.createMenu(), this.onZoom(this.options.zoom), 1 == this.options.pages.length && (this.rightToLeft = !1), FLIPBOOK.books = FLIPBOOK.books || {}, FLIPBOOK.books[n.id] = n.Book; var h = y(n.Book); h.bind("loadPagesFromPdf", function (e, t, o, i) { n.loadPagesFromPdf(t, o, i) }), h.bind("turnPageComplete", function (e) { n.turnPageComplete() }), h.bind("initEasing", function (e) { n.initEasing() }), h.bind("playFlipSound", function (e) { n.playFlipSound() }), h.bind("closeLightbox", function (e) { n.closeLightbox() }), h.bind("updateCurrentPage", function (e) { n.updateCurrentPage() }), this.createLogo(), this.onBookCreated() }, addPageItems: function () { var e = this.options.pages; this.id; for (var t in e) { var o = e[t]; if (o.htmlContent = o.htmlContent || "", o.items) for (var i in o.items) { var n, s = o.items[i]; switch (s.type) { case "iframe": a = '', o.htmlContent += a; break; case "image": a = '', o.htmlContent += a; break; case "link": a = y("").addClass("flipbook-page-item").width(s.width).height(s.height).css({ top: s.y + "px", left: s.x + "px", background: this.options.linkColor }).attr("onmouseover", 'this.style.background="' + this.options.linkColorHover + '"').attr("onmouseout", 'this.style.background="' + this.options.linkColor + '"'), s.url ? a.attr("href", s.url).attr("target", "_blank") : s.page && (n = "#" + this.options.deeplinkingPrefix + s.page, s.flip && (n += "flip"), a.attr("href", n)), o.htmlContent += a[0].outerHTML; break; case "video": var a = y("
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